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Normally during cold and flu season we are vigilant and this year is no different, except we have increased a few measures and also have some requests for you.

What We Will Be Doing For You :

We schedule our appointments very carefully to keep waiting times to a minimum and so you may have noticed we never have more than a couple of people in our reception area at any one time. With fewer than 10 people in the waiting room for short periods at even our very busiest times, we believe we are safer than the supermarket or public transport.

However, if waiting in the reception area concerns you please call us when you arrive and wait in your car. We will text you as soon as your room is ready for you.

We will be cleaning all of the high touch areas such as doorknobs, front counter, chairs and childrens toy area regularly and have removed our magazines, which are too hard to disinfect unfortunately. Our tea and coffee facilities will also be removed during this time, and we will sadly be returning back to disposable cups for our water cooler.

Every chiropractic room will be disinfected between clients. The chiropractic table will be wiped down after each client, with special attention given to the head and hand rests. Disposable head rest covers will also be used for each client.

Hand sanitisers will be available in every room, which as per usual, our practitioners will be using between clients. However, best practise is hand washing so please be patient if they are washing their hands before seeing you.

What You Can Do For Us:

Wash your hands regularly and use the hand sanitizer provided for you in our reception area when you come in.

If you are in any way unwell, if you have even the tiniest sore throat, cough, or lethargy… please stay home. We would love to see you when you are feeling better. If you are feeling good dont be afraid to come in and stick with your program.

If you have been overseas and are in your 14 day quarantine period, please book your appointment for after that is over.

If you have to cough, please cough into your elbow

Please remember our practitioners for the most part are often positioned above your face. You may have noticed that Dr Brian turns his face away from you when adjusting from the front so as not to breath on you. So please, as you are relax and breathe out, please turn your head away from where they are situated.

Keep your spinal adjustment appointments. This is going to be very tough time for small business and we would love to be able to still be here for you after this is all over and not be another statistic88083400_2818966618211402_4236149235004735488_o.

In Conclusion :

There is a lot of information and misinformation out there, and the situation is changing rapidly throughout the world. Separating the facts from the hysteria and planning accordingly can be confusing.

So much of the media we consume is driven by the US that it’s important to remember that at this point, the Australian situation is different.

The announcements made by the Prime Minister this weekend restricting travel and putting a 14-day self-isolation requirement on all returning Australians may sound extreme, and even scary. But it’s important to understand those measures are designed to keep the virus out of the community. And if successful, that may be as far as we need to go.

Where we’ve seen the virus spread to the general population and cause mass strain on the health system, in places like Italy and now the US, it’s because those places have been slower to act than we have been here. This puts us ahead of the curve, and it’s possible as a result, we don’t see the same impact on general day to day life. However, given how quickly the situation can change, it is prudent to plan ahead.

There may be a bit more stress and anxiety lately, which is understandable considering the crazy times. But let’s not forget that this is a great opportunity to slow down and spend more time with loved ones.

Focus on what you can control -

Eat more fruits and veggies
Drink lots of good water to flush your body
Walk and exercise
Get some sun, do your spinal hygiene exercises outdoors
Supplement well with products clinically proven to improve or support immune system function

As always, our focus is on the wellbeing of our clients and ensuring the best outcomes for all of us and the community we reside in.

Yours in Health,

The Cactus Chiropractic Lifestyle Centre Team

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