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We Are Still Open

90596409_3007515319296368_1774962210792013824_nThe team at Cactus Chiropractic Lifestyle Centre would like to reassure our clients that after the last update of closures announced by the Prime Minister last night we are still open and will be as long as we are able to be.

Our job is to take the pressure off emergency rooms and general practitioners in the areas we are specialised in, so they can get on with helping those needing their care right now.

We have taken extreme and extraordinary measures to do our very best to keep both our clients and ourselves healthy (see previous posts) so if you are well and comfortable to do so, please keep your appointment. We would love to be able to keep our staff employed and our doors open after this is over.

As always, our focus is on the wellbeing of our clients and ensuring the best outcomes for all of us and the community we reside in.

Stay safe, stay well, stay kind

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